Green Banana Pancakes with Berries & Honey Roasted Macadamias

Green Banana Pancakes with Berries & Honey Roasted Macadamias

February 15, 2021

Author - Arena Walton x Manon Bocquet

Serves 4, 30 minutes

½ cup Macadamia nuts, halved or roughly chopped

1 tsp Raw honey

1 tsp Coconut oil

¼ tsp Cinnamon

¼ tsp Sea salt

1 cup Green banana flour

1 T Coconut sugar

2 tsp Baking powder

¼ tsp Sea salt

2 large Eggs

2 T Extra virgin olive oil or Coconut Oil

¾ cup Almond milk

1 tsp Vanilla paste

2 T Extra virgin olive oil to grease pan

½ cup Yoghurt

½ cup Fresh berries

¼ cup Honey roasted macadamia nuts

4 T Maple Syrup

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Whisk together honey, coconut oil, cinnamon and sea salt. Pour over the macadamia nuts and mix to coat. Sprinkle onto a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 8 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and cool on the tray.

Place dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl, whisk to combine and make a well in the centre. In a small jug whisk together the eggs, oil, almond milk and vanilla. Pour the egg mixture into the well and mix to a smooth batter.

Heat a pan to medium-high heat and add a little oil. Add a ¼ cup batter for each pancake. Cook for 1-2 minutes before flipping, then cook for another minute.

Serve in a stack and top with yogurt, berries, macadamias and maple syrup.

Nutrition Advice by Naturopath Manon Bocquet from The Naturopath's Corner

How green banana flour can positively impact your gut microbiome:

So I am sure by now you would have heard of our gut bacteria/gut microbiome right?

It is the complex ecosystem that populate our large intestine, it is estimated that it is composed of over 35000 bacterial species (that’s a lot of mouths to feed!)

They play an essential role in modulating our immune system, promoting lipid metabolism, enhancing insulin sensitivity, maintaining the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract to support digestion, producing neurotransmitters and impacting our mental health (in a good or bad way), reduce skin conditions and so on.

Interestingly, we can positively influence what species grow in our gut depending on what we eat because they feed on various fibres coming from plant foods.

One type of fibre that they particularly love is called resistant starch (such as in green banana flour), it stays undigested in the small intestine and ferments once in the large intestine acting as a prebiotic and feeding the good bacteria in your gut.